Wow - October went by quick....and its been a crazy couple of weeks so I'm sorry I've been gone. My aniversary was last month and it was amazing! Hard to believe that I have been a married woman for ten whole years!!
We finished with softball and now both kids are starting basketball. I have to admit that I am so excited to be able to sit in the bleachers and cheer for my kids for a change :)
Derek got a promotion a few weeks ago. It is such a blessing too - I am so proud of him. He wasn't thrilled, it wasn't a promotion he asked for, but I think deep down he was proud of himself too.
Did I mention that I am pumped that its November?? Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!!! I can't wait!!! Not to mention my birthday is the day before and the best shopping day of the year is the day after, so its going to be a fabulous week!!!
Halloween 2013
11 years ago