Monday, March 2, 2009

Blonde Moment for the Brunette

okay, so like I have said...I am sooo a newbie to the blogger world. I was looking at my blog's main page thing when I noticed....I HAVE A FOLLOWER!! I know her and I was just SOOOOOOOOO excited that I finally had a follower. It made my night. I know so sad....its the simple things in life that excite me! ha ha ha....So I get to looking at my blog and then I notice something else new...I have comments on some of my posts. AWESOME. I felt so goofy when I realized they were left well over a month ago and I didn't know it! So, there is my blonde moment for the month! Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude and not acknowledge. I just honestly didn't know. :)


We got our tax return the other day and I don't like to blow money. I really don't, but if I do spend money, I like to spend it on quality things. I am such a product junkie. Big time. And I am all about brand. Some brands don't work and others are great and some products are expensive and a total waste and some are expensive and worth every penny. Shampoo and conditioner are the expensive and worth every penny category. Hair spray is too. I use Matrix and I love it. But I wait and get it on sale. and I freak every time I do it. I like literally have a semi panick attack in the car that I just spent $20 on shampoo and conditioner (even if its the liter bottles and that's a steal!)

I wore Clinique makeup all through highschool. When I had my daughter, I became a stickler about not spending more than $5 on myself at any given time. I buy $7 mascara from walmart and I still get nauseated. I have worn cheap walmart makeup since. I am very very fair and I realized when going through pictures for Dad's funeral, that several brands that looked good in person made me look like a geisha in the pictures. more particularly, the brand I am currently wearing. Very chalky and AWFUL. My hubby decided Friday that since we got our tax return and I wouldn't have to panick so bad....that it was time for me to go back to Clinique for my makeup. I was like so excited so I went and had the little facial thing done and got my makeup. I got in the car and nearly passed out that I spent $40.00 on makeup...but at the same time, I felt so excited because I got good makeup for the first time in years!! Then I went to Target and he was like 'buy more makeup' cause I was out of nearly everything. So I got cheap eyeshadows and some lipstick and new lipglosses that are so pretty!! I was so excited! oh, and a secret....I found a product a few months ago that makes ANY eyeshadow look fantabulous on and last all day without matter how oily your skin is...Loreal Decreaser...its an eyeshadow base and I swear by it. My eyeshadow looks good from 7:30 in the morning till midnight. Like I just put it on! LOVE there you go! Enjoy! ha ha ha...

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