okay, so I am STILL learning the ropes with this blogging thing....but I did get an award!! The hard part is doing what I am supposed to with it...so I am giving it my best effort.....I tried to upload the thingie below my post, but it didn't work...so I need advice in that department...now for the rest of it :D
Thanks to my friend Ashley (I figured out how to link! yippee!!! I know, so sad right? ha ha ha)
for this award...
Here are the rules for recieving it
1. Link back to Ashley.....CHECK
2. List seven things I love....CHECK
3. Link seven blogs, and of course let them know...Um, I don't know how to let them know!! :( so I will do my best!! :) **note** the little help topic I read said when I link it will let that person know...so I am hoping that's right...we shall she I guess!!
So here goes...
1. Without a doubt, obviously, my husband is number one. I love my husband more than anything. He is my best friend in the world. He drives me crazy and some days I would like to club him rather than look at him (ha ha ha..joys of marriage huh?!) but at the end of the day, I can't imagine life without him. We have been married for 8 years in October and I was 17 when we were married (a year after we started dating). People told me then we would not make it more than a year or two b/c I was too young and he was still so young (he was almost 20). I smile when I think about how 8 years later, he is still my best friend and the love of my life.
2. Again, obviously, my two kids. Carson and Shanna are my reason for being. I can't remember how I survived in this world without them. I had them at 18 and 19, and to some people I missed out on a lot having kids so young and not "experiencing life" like most people, but I don't regret it and I don't feel like I missed out on anything. Parenthood is not a piece of cake by any means and there are days that my patience is tested to the end and I think 'what the hell was I thinking?' but one smile from either of my kids and I realize that my sole purpose in life was to raise these two to be the absolute best that they can be.
3. Severe Weather. I know, I know. I can hear ya'll going "WHAT?!" As some know, a tornado hit my house last year. Well, it hit my yard (I live in the woods, literally) and threw a fully grown pine tree into my house and my inlaws house next door and all over every where around here and killed my 8 month old golden retriever, Sadie (before you freak out, she was no where to be found when we went into the storm cellar and we assumed she ran under my inlaws house or she would have been with us. I miss my baby girl). But since I was a kid, tornados and severe thunderstorms fascinated me. Something about the fact that in literally a split second it can go from beautiful to terrifying has fascinated me my entire life. I am still not scared of storms, but I do respect them and I don't tempt fate by standing out in the yard looking for it to come. I did see this tornado coming from across the street and was lucky enough to lock the cellar door just as the tree hit it. I used to chase the storms in highschool with a volunteer firefighter. To this day, I still get that rush when the weather gets bad. And as wierd as this is...severe weather relaxes me. The wind, the rain the lightening...its soothing to me. I know, I am a strange cookie. :) My mom tells me that everytime. As I write this blog on Easter Sunday, it is POURING BUCKETS outside and the thunder is just loud as it can be. I think these are the BEST. SUNDAYS. EVER.
4. I love trees. I think trees are beautiful and amazing. What can I say, I was born country and this country is what I love! Again, I know I am wierd like that. When I was a kid, I used to put books and snacks and a bottled drink in a backpack, put it on, and climb up this one particular tree next to our house and read for hours. I love trees. Even though I am terrified of heights. :)
5. I love softball. Its the sport of champions. Softball has been a part of my life since I was 4. It was the one passion me and my stepdad (the one that recently passed away) shared. I played from 4 years old until I graduated highschool. I was a sanctioned umpire my junior and senior years of highschool. Then I had babies so I stopped. As soon as Shanna turned 4, I started helping coach her team. I still coach now and I love it and my LADYBUGS!! WOO HOO.
6. My favorite color is Mossy Oak. I know your laughing. If you live in the country like I do, Mossy Oak is a color. Hell, its a way of life. I love it to the point that about 25% of my house is decorated in it. Not to the point that I have animals hanging from my walls, but my comforter, my ceiling fan, light switches, pillows, the inside of my car and alot of my wardrobe are mossy oak. :) Its an obsession. I LOVE IT.
7. and last but not least. I love music. Any kind of music. My mood can change instantly based on the music. I can go from happy to sad simply by hearing "Tears in Heaven" by Eric Clapton. I can go from blah to pumped up by hearing anything up beat...I love everything from Bach to the Bangles to Aerosmith and Guns N Roses to Willie and Waylon to Charlotte Church to Ozzy Osbourne to Linkin Park and Disturbed. There is at least onesong in every genre I love. :)
and the seven people I am going to link to...well, I linked all of my followers (except the one who awarded me, cause I didn't think I was supposed to do that) and the blogs I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read and am hopelessly addicted to and still don't have seven...so sorry about that : ) !
1. Mommylicious
2. Love, Meagan
You should try these blogs out!! They are spectacular! :)
Happy Awarding!
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