Speaking of bragging on my kiddos...I was so tickled this morning. I gave my kids their first real allowance. I forgot to last week so they got double this week. They have done spectacular in helping around the house and helping me out. We recently redid their rooms and they got "nice big kid" furniture and stuff for their rooms so they are acting more responsibly. Shanna has always been like that. She's almost neurotic about it, Carson on the other hand could usually care less. Shanna gets her OCD from my side of the family. My dad was DIEHARD OCD. My kids are pretty mature for their age - especially Carson - and I can sit down and have a serious conversation with them if I need to. So we sat down and discussed the fair things for them to do in order to receive "a paycheck" like mommy and daddy every week. $5 per week for the following: They pick up their own rooms, make beds each morning, keep their bathroom neat (no dirty clothes in floor, no toothpaste in sink, empty the trash can if its full), take turns feeding their cats in the a.m. and p.m., take care of their dirty dishes (by placing in sink or trash) and water Papa Wheeler's plant outside on the front porch. Most of this is stuff they should do anyway, but my kids won't so we call them chores and a few are only done weekly so its not so bad. When I do my cleaning on the weekends, they usually love to help out anyway. Carson absolutely loves to clean tubs (don't ask me why), Shanna loves to help dust and they both love to sort laundry. So I was absolutely thrilled that they kept up their rooms for two straight weeks and was so happy to give them allowance this morning. I was even more proud when CArson went straight to his piggy bank and decided to save his money and Shanna did the same. They really are good kids.
Now, to brag on the hubby....he's been such a doll the last two days. He was very sweet and concerned and helped me so much the last two days and took care of me. It was absolutely precious and I love him to pieces for it. We went grocery shopping this morning and he was helping me pick out "healthier" foods for me, checking fiber content for me and so forth. He has been pretty worried about everything going on and it was so sweet to see him act like that yesterday. Completely out of character for him to be like that in public or in front of other people. It even threw my mom off! :) Its nice for people to see the sweet side of him I only get to see most of the time. he he he
Well, I am off to finish MY list of chores today since the kiddos are at the lake with the church...I just wasn't up to it today.
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