I love love love softball and my girls and I can't wait. We have alot of work ahead of us and some great changes but I can't wait to see all the girls back out there. Not official word on all of them yet, but I still can't wait and I hope that they all return.
I had the most boring weekend. Well, not really boring just crummy. Derek went out and I stayed home all Friday night. It broke my heart and he felt bad when he got home and saw how upset I really was about it. I would just like some time at home with my husband. One on one. For some reason when we have "alone time" with no kids, we have to go some where or do something that is just easier done without the kids. So, hopefully we will get another one of these rare chances soon.
Mom came and got my dishes. That made my Saturday. When Derek and I got married I did my kitchen in Ivy. I had cute little ivy dishes and for some reason I went nuts. I had the bakeware, the dishes, the accessories no one ever uses, several tea pots, and odd and ends and serving pieces. All together (lids and everything) there was 135 pieces. THAT'S OBSCENE. Well, I decided with the way my house is going and want I want to do when we remodel our kitchen this year, the ivy wouldn't really work. So I bought some heavier, simpler, "prettier" dishes. :) I love them. They are khaki/beige, and square and heavier than Corelle (which is what I had) and there are fewer of them. So its nice. My mom has never had matching anything. So she bought my ivy ones from me so I could turn around and buy my new plates. She was so excited and i was excited for her. She's got so much now I am not sure she will find places for it all! But I was happy to see her so glad. So that brightened my weekend up for sure.
Well, I am off to bed. :) Nighty night!!
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