I wasn't mad at her, just the situation. I knew she would be head strong since she tried to come a month early and turned her head and got stuck when they stopped my labor. She refused to budge. I wouldn' let her come when she wanted then BY GOLLY SHE WASN'T COMING WHEN I WANTED HER TO! :) I was in the hospital 5 times before I finally had her and we had to force her out. The experience was a night mare but as soon as I heard her tiny sweet cry, I realized that as much as I loved my son and I loved being a mother, my life would never be the same. She brought Derek to his knees with one look. She still does. Carson is my sweet, affection, grounded, brilliant, above average dreamer. I love to listen to him rationalize thing and learn knew things and I love for him to teach me. Shanna on the other hand, doesn't dream. She does. and she is fearless. She will take whatever comes at her full on and not think twice about it. Just does it. and she doesn't meet a stranger. She's so full of spark and life. She went to St. Louis and my mother in law took her to a museum or mall with a trampoline that had bungee cords that you could jump and do flips. This 5 year old (almost 6) gets up there and is jumping two stories high and doing back flips and front flips and having the time of her life. It must have been a good show b/c from what I hear people were in so much shock that she had people stopping and watching all over the place. There was apparently a LOOOONNNNGGG line of people watching this brave fearless one! ha ha ha
She is so full of love and compassion and Icould not imagine my life without my frilly princess who would wear her frilly dresses to ball practice if I let her. She gives 110% in everything she does and I love her endlessly. Happy Birthday to my Shanna Bug. and thank you Lord for blessing me with her. Thank you.
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