I got back to work on Monday. Boo. I so wish I could stay at home more. LIke work part time somewhere and spend more time in the summer home with my kids. That would be spectacular but it is not in the cards for me. :(
I have had two gallbladder attacks this weekend. Painful. The nausea is coming back almost worse than the last time, however, since I was off this week - I cant really go in for surgery in the next week or two and be off another half a week. That would really be bad - so my plan is to hopefully make it to the fall when my boss will be out another week and try to do it around then so I don't have to worry about her being at the office trying to fend for herself. That will take some stress off of me.
Well, that's all for now I guess. Just wanted to update the progress of my house! I am so excited that it is almost whole again.
Hey girl! I'm excited for yall and your house. That's so awesome. I'msooo sorry ab your gallbladder. Yuck! Have you had it checked and everything? Everyone said gbladder surgery was so easy etc.. but it was awful for me. Hope you don't have to have it!