First, and most excitingly.....DEREK GOT A JOB!!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! It is in a new field and it will give him the opportunity to have an actual career and not work in a factory/plant setting his whole life. I am so proud of him getting this opportunity and, even though he won't admit it, I know he is secretly excited! :) He has normal hours again, 7 - 4ish and off on weekends. Its laying networking and fiber optic cables and stuff like that I think. Its a different job site every day so he's not in the same spot all the time which is SOOO Derek.
My recovery is going well. I was pretty sore through Monday and back at work by Tuesday. The pain pills were a wonderful help and my husband was perfection through it all. I didn't get up and move much and when I did he was right there to pick me and carry me around and wait on me hand and foot. AND he didnt COMPLAIN AT ALL. Such a sweet hubby :)
Now, my kiddos are off to Aunt Alli's tonight and to the theme park tomorrow so tonight hubby and I can go out to dinner and then off to a friends house to plan there wedding in two weeks! Fun times a comin!!
****special note****To any one reading this, keep my friend Ashley Jo in your prayers. She is pregnant with baby no. 4 and there are some serious complications and she may be losing her baby. She is such a wonderful mother and this has been so hard on her emotionally. She should know today and my heart and prayers have been with her all day. Love you AJ and I have faith it will turn out okay.