First, Friday I got my new phone!! Love it!! Its a Samsung Rogue and I am in love with it. Although I loved my old phone and was pretty bummed it was shutting down on me, I am very happy with its replacement :)
Saturday, our girls had their first fall ball games. We played three games. Our head coach was out so it was me, the other assistant coach and a parent. and we only six girls for the first game and seven for the last two. But guess what, our girls played their hearts out. I could not have been more happy. These girls played with everything they had and it was amazing to witness. We won the first two games and lost the third. The two teams we beat had nearly double the girls and they were teams that beat us in the Spring which made these victories much sweeter. I am pumped to continue watching these girls grow. What makes this team even better is that not only do the girls that I had show up Saturday absolutely love softball, but their parents encourage it and support it. These girls are only going to get better and they showed every one out there Saturday that even with the odds stacked wwwwaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy against them, they are still a force to be reckoned with. Its pretty awesome to be a part of that.
Yesterday, wasn't a lot going on. Just pretty lazy day. I had a board of directors meeting at the ball park. I really enjoy being involved there and I am excited for the things that we have coming up. Other than that, me and the hubs simply lounged around and did nothing. Which I always enjoy :)
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