My son has asthma. It only causes problems in the fall and winter months when it is cooler outside at night. Its usually about 3:00 a.m. when he wakes up unable to breathe. He's been like this his entire life. He requires three medications during the fall/winter. Every year I take him to the doctor in the fall and get the refills for his medications. Never a problem. Well, this year, we are at a new doctors office for my children. I send my father in law with the list of his medications in an effort to make it easier for my doctor to know what we are asking for. Well, my husband arrives and the doctor has him call me and ask "how many mg is the singulair" do I know that? Just look in the chart. So he gets the RX's and takes them to the pharmacy. WEll, since Derek lost his job and we lost our insurance the kids are now on ARKids insurance, which is the state insurance for low income families that don't have insurance otherwise available to them. So, I go to the medicines and am told that ARKids won't cover them and its $360.00 for all three for one month. SERIOUSLY!?!?! These aren't narcotics, its asthma medication. Why would they not be covered? I about had a panic attack.
So I call ARKids first thing the next morning...on hold for over 30 minutes....finally get a human, and am told that all three are covered but the doctors have to get prior approval before ARKids will pay for them. So I immediately call the doctors office. They require a form from the pharmacy first. So I call my pharmacy. They are very kind and said they would take care of that first thing. So, I go on about my chaotic day at the office. About 4:45 p.m. it dawns on me that I never followed up. So I call the pharmacy and have them run the prescriptions for me. I'm told ARKids does not cover those prescriptions. So I ask if they have faxed the paperwork to my doctor. They said that they had. I called my doctors office, who of course said they were still waiting on the pharmacy. Well, I got VERY huffy with the doctors office. And I informed them that I would be heading to the pharmacy immediately to make sure that the fax was sent. They call me again at 5 till 5:00 and say that can't even find my son in their computers!! I went off again, they also said they still had not received anything from the pharmacy. I am fuming at this point.
Well, I get to the pharmacy forty-five minutes later (more than AN HOUR after the State closes - so no authorizations can be obtained) and the pharmacy miraculously has received the authorization and everything is taken care of. interesting huh? I still have half a mind to CHEW some doctors office out!!! gggggrrrrrrr.............
The mama bear sure came out in me after that guy yelled at Caden the other day for no reason...LOL. I felt dumb after I yelled at him..but..
ReplyDeleteI wish the whole Drs office/pharmacy thing was easier. When I used to work at Dr's offices, it was a pain in my butt making sure everything was called in a timely manner...and prior auithorizations are a pain in the butt. Blame it on the nurse, she probably forgot!! UGH!!!