Thursday, April 30, 2009

Grateful...very very grateful

Well, yesterday was the day. I went to the doctor to find out the results of my ct the day before. I was sitting on the table and all I heard when the doctor walked in was "blah blah blah...which surgeon in town do you want to use?" Mom was with me and she said you could just see the color drain from my face. My mind went completely blank...I literally said "uuggghhh..wh..what..huh..why do I" I am sure I sounded like a pathetic mess. I almost started bawling. He was like "um, your ct was you have to have a colonoscopy". Ha. So, if I would LISTEN that might actually help things! So, good news, my ct was perfect. My abdoment, colon, intestestines, uterus, ovaries and pelvic area show absolutely no abnormalities andlook wonderfully healthy! Praise the Lord!! I was so scared. Like to the point of tears. But the bad news is...I get to have a colonoscopy when I am through with my antibiotics. Yuck. Yuck isn't even the word. UGH.

So last night as I made my wonderfully wonderful biscuits and gravy from scratch I was thinking about how relieved and grateful I was for a clear ct. I got to thinking about the wonderful things I am so thankful for.

1. My husband. I am so lucky to have someone in my life that I can share everything with. He drives me absolutely batty and sometimes (like later last night) I want to hit upside the head with my favorite skillet (the cast iron one he bought me for easter - awwww) but nevertheless, he is my best friend and the other half of me and I absolutely adore him for that. : )

2. My kids. I still can't believe I am even old enough to have an almost 6 year old and a 7 year old (some would argue that I am not) but they amaze me every day with their brilliance and innocence. They are my sole reason for getting up every morning (literally, cause without me they would not make it to school ha ha ha! j/k) and I can't remember how I functioned before without them.

3. My friends. I remember after my kids were born, I honestly had three friends. My husband, and my two best girlfriends. One, BArbie, who I have had since I was 13. who is not my best friend anymore. She is my sister. I have considered her my sister for some time now and I tell people she is my sister. I love her dearly and there is not a thing in the world I wouldn't do for her. She doesn't live close by so I hardly see her, maybe once or twice a year, but I talk to her all the time and I miss her dearly. the other, Brooke, has been my best friend since Derek and I started dating. Her husband is Derek's best friend so we are together every day. I remember how lonely I would get after my kids were born because I went from having tons of friends to having three and it broke my heart. I didn't feel welcome anywhere without them with me. I was depressed and lonely. NOw, I have a great group of friends that I would not trade for the world. I love seeing them all and I am so grateful that they are in my life.

4. My grams and my mom. I know that without these two women, I would not be the person I am today. They are the strongest women I know. The things these women have experienced in their lives is almost at times straight out of a soap opera and its a wonder that they both haven't been committed! I know if I experienced half of what my grams has, I would have to be! I love them dearly and can't imagine life without either of them.

5. Vanilla Rootbeer from Sonic. Ha ha ha..I know! My life owuld not e complete without it! :)

Well, I enough of my ramblings for the day!! I am off to see my lil super hero play some ball tonight. Wish us luck!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

CT day...

okay, well, I had my ct scan this morning. Boo. It wasn't as bad as I thought, but it was by no means a wonderful experience.

I spent half the day there and I am still recuperating. I have never felt so blah in my entire life. I feel as though I have ran a three day marathon and I think pregnancy morning sickness is BY FAR less excrutiating than the nausea I have dealt with all day. I think an order of Finegrin (spell check anyone?) will be on the menu when I meet with the doc tomorrow to discuss the findings (if any...wouldn't that be something? Get there and this is all nothing and completely in my head - I think I would rejoice!).

I got there an hour and a half early - per their request - and filled out the paperwork (all 2 pages of it that took less than five minutes mind you) and then when my appointment time rolled around I went back and had the first scan done. I laid up on the bed and squeezed my eyes shut and rocked in and out of this machine. I tried to picture myself on some funky ride at Disney World. (I know right?). This wasn't a big deal but for some reason when it comes to me dealing with machines like this that I don't deal with regularly, I realize I watch too much t.v. and I have serious anxiety issues.

Well, after round 1, I got to drink TWO LARGE cups of "pink lemonade"...or in medical terminology terms - contrast...I thought I was going to be sick. I love pink lemonade. I prefer it over regular lemonade most of the time. But I haven't been able to hold much down without a struggle for over a week now and this was really really hard. I was so nauseated that it took every ounce of will power in my being to keep it down. After about forty-five minutes I went back in there. I had to drink ANOTHER 1/4 of cup of it and then they put an iv in me with more! I swear!! I HATE needles...HATE. I don't do well with needles. AT ALL. Like a five year old, I had my mommy with me and she had to hold my hand and talk to me while they did the iv. It hurt so bad. I have hard veins to get anyway and she had to poke me three times. All I could think about was a month ago when they tried to draw Carson's blood while he was sick and he was screaming for dear life and begging me to make them quit. I think it made me stronger and more able to deal. I just closed me eyes, squeezed my mother's thumb till it was purple (no exaggeration) and pictured my little boy there holding me like I did him. Bless his heart. I came home and showed him the little marks and told him mommy didn't cry because he was such a big boy when he had it done. You should have seen the pride in his face. He was so proud of mommy for being a "big girl" ha ha ha...

So then I rocked back and forth some more with tubes coming out of my arms. Then I got sick all over again. I swear...that contrast did not agree with my stomach AT ALL. I barely made it home where I had to sit for like over an hour waiting on something to kick in and make it stop! It was HORRIBLE. I will never do that again if I can help it and I swear if I do, I ain't going to work afterward for sure!! I have felt like I was going to throw up all afternoon. They should really give out something for that afterward. They surely didn't warn me about it!

So, there has been my pleasant day! I hope ya'lls was by far better! I am off to bed now where hopefully the Mr. will feel sorry for me and massage my back cause it is also throbbing.....I think I am falling apart! :)

Keep me in your prayers tomorrow that this is nothing and it all works out in the end!! Nighty night.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday Monday!!

Well, we had a ball game tonight. Carson's team lost but they did good. I love going to his games. I have so much fun. In years past I have kinda been alone and not had anyone to really talk to so I was so relieved when I realized I knew another mom!! Its an old friend from highschool and it has been great catching up. And even better, there is a second mom who's daughter is on my softball team so I have people to talk to and stuff at the games. Its so nice. I love it. :)

I have my ct scan done tomorrow. They think I have divroticulitis and I get to start the testing for that. I am scared as hell. I hope hope hope hope hope that they are wrong and I just have some sort of like constipation issue or something! I would be pissed that I stressed for nothing but absolutely relieved that nothing serious is wrong. So keep me in your prayers! I see the doctor on WEdnesday afternoon to discuss the results.

In other news, I might get me a new baby! I am so excited. I have a friend who has a friend who has a friend (I know right?) that has 2 yorkies that she has to give away. She can't take care of them any more (don't know why, but I don't care!) and I sooooo miss my baby Brody. Derek said if we got another yorkie it had to be free and it couldn't be a puppy. He wanted one that was at least a year or two old so it was hopefully housebroke and fixed! Well these girls are fixed and 4 and FREE!! Woo Hoo! I haven't heard back on it yet, but I hope so much it all works out. I was sick (literally) for like a month and to this day tear up when I think about Brody. It devestated me when he was snatched (I guess he could have ran off since my hubby was such a moron and wasn't paying attention and just left him outside unattended - but he would rarely leave the porch much less get half way up to the road, so I think he was snatched) and I miss my darling baby so much. I threw up for two days when it happend I was so upset. I even left work early and me and my friend spent 6 HOURS going door to door. I was like a mother who literally just lost her child. It was devestating. I have wanted a yorkie for 10 years, I finally got one and Derek lost him! It broke me. So I really really really hope this works out! I will let you know of course!! It would definitely brighten up my week to get two new baby girls! :)

Speaking of getting a baby girl, keep your fingers crossed for my friend, who wants to adopt a baby girl that needs a loving home. She is currently in foster care and my friend is such a good mom...that baby girl would be so lucky to be part of that family. They are really wonderful people and she just really wants it so bad for all the right reasons. I have been praying that it would work out for them. I would love to do that more than anything and I have wanted to for a long time, I am just not in any position to be able to. Fortunately for this little girl, my friend is! So here's hoping! :)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

story of my life...

Well, my week has been completely craptastic. I have not been able to eat more than LITERALLY a bite of food for a week now. I have been forcing myself to eat more the last two days b/c I know it is dangerous to go this long without proper nutrition. But I can't do it hardly. I feel like I have eaten ten Thanksgiving dinners after two bites. And that is going 24 hours or more between "meals", if you would even call them that. It's ridiculous. On top of that and a few more personal issues, I have had abdominal pain that won't go away for three weeks now. It started as food poisening a few weeks ago, it got better but the pain never went away. Now its to the point that it really hurts and its making me nervous. So, I suck it up and go to the doctor yesterday. Now, a little history, I have EVERYTHING running through my genetic makeup. This is no exageration. You name it, I have a family history of it. My mother has been sick with several forms of cancer (some of which she has beat, some she is still to this day fighting) and other serious medical conditions since I was 13. My grandmother also has several severe medical issues that can be handed I don't do doctors or medicine. I hate medicine. I don't like feeling loopy or doped up and I don't like doctors b/c I don't believe all of them have your best interests at heart. I also don't want to know what medical conditions I inherited from my family...I just as soon not know and live a full happy life then know and spend the rest of my life tired from treatment. Well, because of the pain, I had to go. And sure enough. They are pretty sure that I have one of my mother's wonderful conditions. Now, right now its kinda serious b/c of the infection I currently have. I am afraid if they are right that it could explode at any second, but they have me on some serious antibiotics so I should be fine. But once I get the scans and stuff next week we should be okay and I will just have to make some lifestyle changes. I will have to live with this forever, but I think I will be okay. But still, it sucks. and I am a chicken and therefore, terrified. I don't want to be the sick mommy. I want to be the fun and active and carefree mommy. The mommy who worries about whether or not her daughter is having fun at school and whether or not her son is doing his best in class. Not the mommy who has to worry about prescriptions at the pharmacy and taking medicine every day and whether or not I will feel well enough to do something later. Plus, its not fair to my husband to have to pick up my slack like he has had to the last couple of weeks. This week especially. I have been useless. I will not. I refuse. Yes, like I said, I am super stubborn in this department.

On a more positive note, I am hopelessly addicted to the Twilight Soundtrack. I don't know why. But I love it! You should check it out. : ) leave out all the rest by Linkin Park and Supermassive Black Hole by Muse are probably my faves on the CD followed by the 2 songs by Paramoure that are on their. :)

Okay, well, that is all for now!! Talk to you later!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sunday Scoop n HAPPY EASTER!

okay, well, I am a holiday ho. I love holidays, I love everything about them. I love how people are in happy moods on holidays. I love the food, the smells, the colors, the traditions, the excitement, the anticipation. My favorites are (in order): Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, St. Patrick's Day (This is my biological dad's birthday which is why its special to me), July 4th, Memorial/Labor Days, Valentine's Day and any other day off!! ha ha ha.....

I love holidays where I get to pretend I am something special like Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny. My kids still believe in both, and I love playing it. This morning was no exception. I put the baskets out at about midnight.....Shanna woke up and there was a spider on her window in her room. She came to get daddy and after daddy dealt with the teeny spider I couldn't believe she saw, she sleepily asked him 'can I go through that easter basket I saw now?' :) how cute is she?? So I told em to come on and they came running..."ooohh,,, a frisbeeee!!!" "ooohhh, reeses eggs! I love reeses eggs" and my absolute fave quote of the darling 5 year old daughter with the biggest heart of gold in the world "LOOK MOMMY!! I GOT A BABY DUCKLING!!" (its not real, its a doll) but you couldn't tell her otherwise. This child has more baby dolls and stuffed animals than anything in the world, but if she doesn't get some kind of animal for easter, she will be devestated. She loves to walk down the aisle at walmart and just stare at all the plush bunnies, and puppies, and duckies, and chickies....ITS ADORABLE.

So we had our easter fun this morning! We did our easter egg hunt yesterday (good thing too apparently, since its pouring outside) at my friend Brooke's. We have a yearly tradition for Easter Weekend. On Friday night our kids get together and we color eggs. On Saturday about 11ish we get together and hide eggs over and over and over...then we cookout that evening and hang out. of course this year, we couldn't cook out. I had a close cousin come in from Utah and she's prego (YEAH!!) and I couldn't wait to see her so I had to go there last night, but its okay! So we had a busy day and a fun one! Nothing like cookouts and easter egg hunts!!

oh!!! and guess what!!! I found the most awesome thing yesterday!!! I live in a tiny town. very small. We have 1 stop light at the main intersection. We got that like may 6 years ago....we felt special. We have 2 gas stations, both of which sell pizza and sandwiches, one which has a car wash. They have been there since I was tiny. Well, in the last like 2 years, we have grown. We have a small bank, a Fred's and a Sonic! It's not the same tiny town it used to be! They even put a Big Red down the highway with a McDonald's...well, like a week ago they opened a Dollar General next to Fred's. Don't know why, but they did. (For the record, I am waiting on a grocery store. I want a real grocery store out here dangit!! So I don't have to go to town!! ha ha ha, I am lazy like that) I don't like Fred's. Now, I generally go to Benton for everything, grocery shopping, Wal-Mart everything. Fred's. It doesn't have my preferred brands and the few brands they do have I have to pay nearly double for unless I want to drive 15 minutes to Benton for laundry detergent when I am lookin rough cause I am cleaning house....The color bleach I usually pay like $5 for at walmart was over $8 at Fred's!! No thanks!! so we stopped yesterday to check out the DG...just to compare prices to Walmart and Fred's next door when we needed something in a pinch. OMG. Loved it. They had tons of my preferred brands, comparable to WalMArt and they are right down the road. No more going to Walmart for one cleaning item and coming out with a cart full! WOO HOO. But, what made my day...a mop. Yes, a mop. See, my linoleum floors have those little cellulite looking grooves in it...I hate it. and hopefully in the next couple of months, those floors will be gone! But for now, I have to spend about 3 hours on my hands and knees with a Mr. Clean MAgic Eraser (b/c nothing else will clean those little grooves) and mop by hand my kitchen and the bathrooms. I HATE IT. Hate. With a fiery passion that burns. My back and knees are killing me when I am through and I am so sore the next day. Well, as I was walking down the cleaning aisles at DG yesterday, I passed the mops, when the word "magic eraser" caught my eye. OH YES, there was a MOP made by Mr. Clean and the mop pad was a big ole MAGIC ERASER!!! AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!! I just about cried I was soooo excited! I paid $13 for a mop (which is ridiculous!!!) But I don't care. I would have paid $50 not to have to go on my hands and knees for hours!! My hunny just laughed at me. It is so sad that you come to a point in your life that something that makes you so happy is a mop! ha ha ha...Well, HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!


okay, so I am STILL learning the ropes with this blogging thing....but I did get an award!! The hard part is doing what I am supposed to with I am giving it my best effort.....I tried to upload the thingie below my post, but it didn't I need advice in that for the rest of it :D

Thanks to my friend Ashley (I figured out how to link! yippee!!! I know, so sad right? ha ha ha)
for this award...

Here are the rules for recieving it

1. Link back to Ashley.....CHECK

2. List seven things I love....CHECK

3. Link seven blogs, and of course let them know...Um, I don't know how to let them know!! :( so I will do my best!! :) **note** the little help topic I read said when I link it will let that person I am hoping that's right...we shall she I guess!!

So here goes...


1. Without a doubt, obviously, my husband is number one. I love my husband more than anything. He is my best friend in the world. He drives me crazy and some days I would like to club him rather than look at him (ha ha ha..joys of marriage huh?!) but at the end of the day, I can't imagine life without him. We have been married for 8 years in October and I was 17 when we were married (a year after we started dating). People told me then we would not make it more than a year or two b/c I was too young and he was still so young (he was almost 20). I smile when I think about how 8 years later, he is still my best friend and the love of my life.

2. Again, obviously, my two kids. Carson and Shanna are my reason for being. I can't remember how I survived in this world without them. I had them at 18 and 19, and to some people I missed out on a lot having kids so young and not "experiencing life" like most people, but I don't regret it and I don't feel like I missed out on anything. Parenthood is not a piece of cake by any means and there are days that my patience is tested to the end and I think 'what the hell was I thinking?' but one smile from either of my kids and I realize that my sole purpose in life was to raise these two to be the absolute best that they can be.

3. Severe Weather. I know, I know. I can hear ya'll going "WHAT?!" As some know, a tornado hit my house last year. Well, it hit my yard (I live in the woods, literally) and threw a fully grown pine tree into my house and my inlaws house next door and all over every where around here and killed my 8 month old golden retriever, Sadie (before you freak out, she was no where to be found when we went into the storm cellar and we assumed she ran under my inlaws house or she would have been with us. I miss my baby girl). But since I was a kid, tornados and severe thunderstorms fascinated me. Something about the fact that in literally a split second it can go from beautiful to terrifying has fascinated me my entire life. I am still not scared of storms, but I do respect them and I don't tempt fate by standing out in the yard looking for it to come. I did see this tornado coming from across the street and was lucky enough to lock the cellar door just as the tree hit it. I used to chase the storms in highschool with a volunteer firefighter. To this day, I still get that rush when the weather gets bad. And as wierd as this is...severe weather relaxes me. The wind, the rain the lightening...its soothing to me. I know, I am a strange cookie. :) My mom tells me that everytime. As I write this blog on Easter Sunday, it is POURING BUCKETS outside and the thunder is just loud as it can be. I think these are the BEST. SUNDAYS. EVER.

4. I love trees. I think trees are beautiful and amazing. What can I say, I was born country and this country is what I love! Again, I know I am wierd like that. When I was a kid, I used to put books and snacks and a bottled drink in a backpack, put it on, and climb up this one particular tree next to our house and read for hours. I love trees. Even though I am terrified of heights. :)

5. I love softball. Its the sport of champions. Softball has been a part of my life since I was 4. It was the one passion me and my stepdad (the one that recently passed away) shared. I played from 4 years old until I graduated highschool. I was a sanctioned umpire my junior and senior years of highschool. Then I had babies so I stopped. As soon as Shanna turned 4, I started helping coach her team. I still coach now and I love it and my LADYBUGS!! WOO HOO.

6. My favorite color is Mossy Oak. I know your laughing. If you live in the country like I do, Mossy Oak is a color. Hell, its a way of life. I love it to the point that about 25% of my house is decorated in it. Not to the point that I have animals hanging from my walls, but my comforter, my ceiling fan, light switches, pillows, the inside of my car and alot of my wardrobe are mossy oak. :) Its an obsession. I LOVE IT.

7. and last but not least. I love music. Any kind of music. My mood can change instantly based on the music. I can go from happy to sad simply by hearing "Tears in Heaven" by Eric Clapton. I can go from blah to pumped up by hearing anything up beat...I love everything from Bach to the Bangles to Aerosmith and Guns N Roses to Willie and Waylon to Charlotte Church to Ozzy Osbourne to Linkin Park and Disturbed. There is at least onesong in every genre I love. :)

and the seven people I am going to link to...well, I linked all of my followers (except the one who awarded me, cause I didn't think I was supposed to do that) and the blogs I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read and am hopelessly addicted to and still don't have sorry about that : ) !

You should try these blogs out!! They are spectacular! :)

Happy Awarding!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I feel so retarded right now...

Okay, I know I have said this like waaaaayyyy more than once. I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to blogging. I am so new at this its ridiculous but I am one of those people who like smile and nod and pretend like I totally know whats going on...right? okay, well, I am catching up on the few blogs I follow and I notice that one of my two followers (yay! I am so cool that I have TWO followers! It made my day too - cause it takes so very little to entertain me and make me happy ha ha ha!) well, she is WAY better at this than I am and she so gave me an award!! At least I clicked on the name and it came to my blog so I am assuming....and I will be mortified if I am totally wrong about that. ;)

Okay, question of the day: Aside from reading the persons blog, shouldn't I get some kind of notification when someone leaves me a comment or links to my page or gives me an award? If so, were am I supposed to look for that stuff and how the crap do I do the stuff I am supposed to do with the award?? ha ha ha...I know I am pitiful!! So like, HELP THE CLUELESS!!! :)

In other news, my sweet little lady bugs won tonight! WOO HOO!!! 9 to 2!! THey were rocking that field. They did spectacular. My baby girl, Shanna Bug, got her first triple and I was so proud. That chick is flat slamming the ball around now. What a difference a year makes. She actually gets it. Last year she was just kind of like "huh"? I am so proud of all the girls. They get better with every game. Laiken is doing wonderful and I was soooo proud of her last night. She got her first hit at a game and I was bummed her mom missed it cause she was at our boys game. Life of a ballpark mom...gotta miss some to make the others. She missed our girls to go see our boys and I did vice versa. I am so excited to see the boys play Thursday. Carson was kind of bummed I missed his first game, but sister had a game and I I had to miss. But I am so there Thursday and I will be wearing my Haskell Lil Raskell shirt with pride and hooping and hollering from the stands. What can I say? Nothin better than ball season!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Weekend in Review

I had a busy weekend. We had our second tournament this weekend and our girls are getting better every day. They didn't play to their potential the first two games, but by the third...they were doing spectacular. We lost every game, but I don't care. The girls had fun, I had fun and they played so well the third game. I act as though each of those girls are my own kids and I love them to pieces. I am a mother hen like that. I don't care what people think (I know some folks think that is wierd) but when the girls are inside that fence, they are my girls :) and I could not have been a more proud mother hen than I was Saturday afternoon. We play again tomorrow and I am pumped.


Today, me and the hubby went to eat breakfast. I decided today that I would do the unimaginable for me....I went easter shopping a week in advance. I spent less than half of what I did last year (which was obscene and when I was done and realized it, I had a small heart attack...I just get TOO into things like this...I love it, seeing their faces light up in the morning at their surprise, its just wonderful) and I finished my sons basket, the majority of my daughters and about half of my hubbys. Yes, I spoil my hubby and he gets an easter basket too. The kids ask why Mommy never gets one. Daddy says its cause mommy was bad this year (ha ha ha...then he says he is kidding) but I tell them its cause mommy told the easter bunny to not make her one but give it to some one who needs it more. :) I like to think I am teaching them a lesson in giving. That usually satisfies their curiosity some. I know my geniuos 7 year old will figure it out in a year or I like to enjoy it now.


And finally...I am a movie whore. I love movies. I watch movies all the time and I have a wide array of DVD's in my home. We watch a lot of movies. Its mine and my hubbies thing. I love em. I watched soooo many movies last weekend and this past week that I thought I would share my reviews. I was sick last Sunday and my tv isn't working so I got online and watched movies all day on my computer. Here's my rundown:

Made of Honor - LOVED IT. Patrick Dempsey is such a great romantic comedy actor and he did a spectacular job in this movie. I loved the fact that part of it was in Ireland (cause I am party Irish) and I fell in love with McDreamy all over again. Great girls night movie.

Nights in Rodanthe - Okay, well, I am completely obsessed with Nicholas Sparks novels. I read them constantly, own the majority of them, and I love them hopelessly. So, needless to say, I LOVED LOVED LOVED this movie. It was a tear jerker and a heart tugger. Great girls night movie.

Bride Wars - my computer messed up 3/4 of the way through this one, and I couldn't finish it, so I have to finish it later...but 3/4 of the way was HILARIOUS. I love Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway and they had me rolling. Great date movie.

Vicki Cristina Barcelona - I am not sure I spelled that right. okay, I love me some Scarlett Johannsen. This movie was different. It was good...but wierd...first off, you got Scarlett in a three way relationship were she is sorta bi....different. It was just wierd. ITs good to watch once and get out of the rutt of just watching the same stuff over and over...but not one I would watch over and over again.

Twilight - I watched it to see what the hype was about. For the first 15 minutes...I was like "okay, this is not going to be good"....then about 1/2 way through...I was like okay - scratch that last thought, I am loving the end, I was like BITE ME PLEASE. :) I am hooked.

Sex and the City - okay, I never watched the series. I caught a rerun once and I couldn't get into it. But again, watched it to see the hype. I did like it. A good girls night out movie. A little graphic at times, but overall okay.

and last but not least....

Juno - OMG...the best movie line of all time: (as she is waiving a positive pregnancy test back and forth) - "this ain't no etch a sketch...this is one doodle that can't be undid home skillet". The wit and logic of this pregnant 16 year old is absolutely hilarious. I would recommend every one watch this. It is fantastic. One of my faves for sure.

So, now you know what to watch if your in the search for a good flick in the near future. I will let you know when I watch something new. ;)