Saturday, March 20, 2010

Carson is 8!!!

My sweet baby boy turned 8 today. He's such a big boy!!! I love you CArson

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Today, I get to do something i have not done in soooo long. I get to open the windows of my home and clean. It feels so wonderful outside. Very light breeze, perfect temperature. Perfect Spring weather. LOVE. IT.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

So it begins!!

It's official folks...Its springtime in Arkansas!! Woop woop!! :) How do I know this you ask? Two things that I have a sick unending love or awe for have arrived: 1. Softball 2. Severe weather/tornados.

Yes, Arkansas had its first round of all nighter terrifying weather. For some reason, it calms me. I love the lightening, the thunder, the rolling clouds. It scares me to death and I worry about people I care about in harms way...but I love severe weather at the same time. I know. Sick.

and.....Sudden Impact debuts at a 6u tourney this weekend!! YAY!!! SOOOOO EXCITED!!!! I will let you know how we do!