Friday, January 29, 2010

Arkansas winter weather sucks. Period.

okay, so if we are gonna have winter weather...can we PPPLLLLEEEEAAASSSSEEEE get some in my area??? My kids get their hopes up, I could use a long weekend, and then NOTHING. Everywhere around us gets it but we just need to move <> this much to the north or sucks. Its 5:30 in the morning...its been sleeting for an hour! and its NOT STICKING. Irritating!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So I went to Walmart to get some make up b/c I am out...and they didn't even have the brand of foundation I used! WTC? So, now I have to shop foundation...any suggestions?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Milestone post!!!!

This is my official 100th post!! YAY ME!! :) That's crazy that I have documented various aspects of my life 100 times!! ha ha ha...

I am super pumped about tomorrow - the first day of softball/baseball sign ups. I am soooo ready for the season to get underway!! But before you know it, it will be done! That is pretty much my agenda for the next 3 or 4 weekends so i don't have too much going on other than that!!!

I am currently waiting on the hubby to get home. We should have a quiet evening at home tonight since the kid are at the Big Buck Classic with their aunt this evening.

I hope you all have a happy weekend!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

So this Saturday starts....

BALL SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have signups starting this Saturday. I. AM. PUMPED. :)

I love love love softball and my girls and I can't wait. We have alot of work ahead of us and some great changes but I can't wait to see all the girls back out there. Not official word on all of them yet, but I still can't wait and I hope that they all return.

I had the most boring weekend. Well, not really boring just crummy. Derek went out and I stayed home all Friday night. It broke my heart and he felt bad when he got home and saw how upset I really was about it. I would just like some time at home with my husband. One on one. For some reason when we have "alone time" with no kids, we have to go some where or do something that is just easier done without the kids. So, hopefully we will get another one of these rare chances soon.

Mom came and got my dishes. That made my Saturday. When Derek and I got married I did my kitchen in Ivy. I had cute little ivy dishes and for some reason I went nuts. I had the bakeware, the dishes, the accessories no one ever uses, several tea pots, and odd and ends and serving pieces. All together (lids and everything) there was 135 pieces. THAT'S OBSCENE. Well, I decided with the way my house is going and want I want to do when we remodel our kitchen this year, the ivy wouldn't really work. So I bought some heavier, simpler, "prettier" dishes. :) I love them. They are khaki/beige, and square and heavier than Corelle (which is what I had) and there are fewer of them. So its nice. My mom has never had matching anything. So she bought my ivy ones from me so I could turn around and buy my new plates. She was so excited and i was excited for her. She's got so much now I am not sure she will find places for it all! But I was happy to see her so glad. So that brightened my weekend up for sure.

Well, I am off to bed. :) Nighty night!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Lol...I forgot to mention yesterday was my first blogger birthday!! As of yesterday, I have officially been blogging for a year. Even though I have only have 3 followers, I am very happy I made it a year!! I am glad I did it. I thought about stopping a few times, but going back and reading the last year of blogs...there is so much i would have forgotten without it! So I reckon I will keep on going....tee hee....tonight I am at home by my lonesome. DErek went to a party without me (I didn't feel like going and I couldnt believe he actually went without me - that never happens and I am not crazy about that) and the kids are with nana tonight. So its just me and the Tob-meister. So I did what any 26 year old mother of 2 would do.......I cleaned. I am soooo dull. :)

Friday, January 15, 2010


That is how I feel today....bleck.....I wanna go back home and curl up in my bed. and sleep. Lots and lots and lots of sleep. Sounds nice no?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Boo Day

So today was was a long day and I was stressed out and it just wasn't great. Carson and Shanna went to the dentist yesterday for a cleaning and checkup...well, last Summer Carson was traumatized by a dentist. His teeth were literally shattering in the back of his mouth (not because he doesn't brush - he does! He is on a strict asthma regiman and does an inhaler every night. They warned me a side effect could be it weaken the enamel...they weren't kidding) and we had to have one pulled. He was terrified and wouldn't do the was infected and almost to the point it would suffocate him if it reached his throat...we had to pin him down and get it done. It was traumatic for him, heart wrenching for me and a headache for dad. Well, he did good yesterday but.....yes, there is a but.....he has FOUR severe cavities that need filled...2 baby teeth that need to be crowned...has to have some procedure with one of the crowns so the tooth isn't cold he needs a root canal on a permanent tooth. Holy crow. Seriously. Shanna needs two fillings which irks me b/c she had PERFECT teeth last summer and I was so proud. But my poor Carson.....I dread it. We go for fillings Feb. 2. I will discuss the rest of Carson's "treatment" with him then. So not looking forwrd to it!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Okay, so don't laugh...

I realize how silly this is...but it made my whole day. When we got married, my dishes, my bake ware, EVERYTHING had to match. My entire kitchen was done in ivy. I loved it. I still love it, but the direction I am taking my house is more earthy, natural tones and the dishes and accessories ( I have no room for right now) just needed to be gone. I wanted heavier stoneware plates and bowls and I really didn't use all the ivy stuff. So my mom bought it from me and I used the money to replace my dishes and get a few mixing bowls and bakeware to replace what I am giving her. I am sooo excited. I love my new brownish/tannish dishes and my clear bakeware and mixing bowls. I am such a kitchen addict. And this also made me realize my pathetic little existence. lol. How sad is that I am totally ecstatic about dishes and bakeware?? Now, if Derek could get a job so I could put back a little bit to start on my new kitchen soon!! We had planned to start on it in the Spring so we could start remodeling my bathroom and bedroom in the Summer but since Derek is still unemployed, that plan is temporarily stalled. But I am still planning. I have designed the kitchen and I am pricing my cabinets and hunting for my two-tiered island....I sooooo can't wait!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


My life has really been uneventful and I must say I am loving it this way. Derek has kept up his promise with regard to cleaning my house I worked hard on during the week of New Year's while I was off. So I haven't had to spend the weekend cleaning this weekend which I thoroughly enjoyed. I will do a little laundry later but for the most part, I can't complain.

I finally feel like my life has some order to it. We just got home from Grandma Shoptaw's and I am going to spend the afternoon in my chair, with my blanket, reading Jane Austen (for the millionth time - but this time I switched from Pride and Prejudice to Emma) on my e-reader and enjoying myself. Its such a beautiful sunshiney day but its like FREEZING so I can't enoy the day outside :( In the meantime, softball/baseball signups are coming up. I am ready for a new season. You know how addicted and dedicated I am to our ballpark. We are working really hard on it right now and have some GREAT improvements coming up. I could not be more thrilled.

Hope you all have as nice of a Sunday!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My kids are gone...

They have turned my kitchen table into a "remote desert strip complete with caves and mines"...and Carson is now a famous paleontologist and Shanna is a famous geolgist.

Carson is currently working on unearthing a triceritops....Shanna has unearthed rose quartz and amythest quartz and working on finding more....Its so awesome to watch their minds run wild with excitement and "adventure" :)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Love my gifts

I totally have to brag for a bit because my mother in law bought me 3 end tables for my living room and I love them. I feel like I have a real living room now!! I am so excited! I got some vases at my brothers house for dirty santa and I bought some rocks and "dead twigs" and they look fab. :) Just had to brag a bit.