Friday, August 28, 2009

one week with no internet...TORTURE

Well, I have had no internet for a week and its been torture!!! So much has gone on and I don't know if I will remember to blog it all!!

First, and most excitingly.....DEREK GOT A JOB!!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! It is in a new field and it will give him the opportunity to have an actual career and not work in a factory/plant setting his whole life. I am so proud of him getting this opportunity and, even though he won't admit it, I know he is secretly excited! :) He has normal hours again, 7 - 4ish and off on weekends. Its laying networking and fiber optic cables and stuff like that I think. Its a different job site every day so he's not in the same spot all the time which is SOOO Derek.

My recovery is going well. I was pretty sore through Monday and back at work by Tuesday. The pain pills were a wonderful help and my husband was perfection through it all. I didn't get up and move much and when I did he was right there to pick me and carry me around and wait on me hand and foot. AND he didnt COMPLAIN AT ALL. Such a sweet hubby :)

Now, my kiddos are off to Aunt Alli's tonight and to the theme park tomorrow so tonight hubby and I can go out to dinner and then off to a friends house to plan there wedding in two weeks! Fun times a comin!!

****special note****To any one reading this, keep my friend Ashley Jo in your prayers. She is pregnant with baby no. 4 and there are some serious complications and she may be losing her baby. She is such a wonderful mother and this has been so hard on her emotionally. She should know today and my heart and prayers have been with her all day. Love you AJ and I have faith it will turn out okay.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Best. Sleep. Ever.

The best sleep I have ever had has been over the last couple of days. There is nothing better than a Darvocet induced coma. I actually feel like I got sleep when I wake up. Of course, my middle section is usually in SEVERE pain when I wake up, but I do feel like I actually slept. Which is a first. and I love it. I am going to miss my good sleep when this is all over. Because lets face it...its not possible to get that kind of good sleep without help!! :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

I survived

I had my surgery yesterday. I feel as though I have been backed over by a truck a few thousand times. My whole body is stiff and I am tired and miserable. I must say that this whole experience has made me realize how wonderful my family is. Derek may appear to to be an ass to most people, but he is such a wonderful person! He has taken such wonderful care of me. He has helped me tremendously walking every where, waiting on me hand and foot, taking me to the bathroom and fixing my food and helping me up and down and laying down and everything. I love him to pieces and this is the side of him I wish more people could see :).

Apparently, it was a great thing that I had my gallbladder removed now. Apparently even my doctor was shocked at how bad of shape it was in. I had over 3o gall stones. No wonder I have been so ill and in pain. I am ready for the recovery to be over so that I can feel better!! Well, the pain meds are starting to kick back in so its naptime for me! :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Big Day

So, I am freaking out right about surgery is in the morning so wish me luck. I am looking forward to a "good sleep" I am in much much need of that!! :) that is the silver lining I have created for myself.

I had dinner tonight at Olive Garden with my siblings. I love my family. I have so much fun with all of my siblings. We laugh and have a great time. My oldest sister and her husband were separated for several months. THey almost got divorced but called it off and got back together. I love my brother in law and was very happy they worked things out. They have three children together so that is awesome. Now they have decided in an effort to turn over a new leaf and start fresh they are going to be moving back to Wisconsin were his family lives. It breaks my heart to see them and their kids go but I know that it is the best thing for them at this point in their lives.

And the gruesome twosome went back to school today!! They enjoyed it. I didn't get to talk to them about it much because I went to dinner with the family but they were giggling and laughing when I got home and according to my daughter first grade is super fun and fantastic! ha ha ha...she's such a nut. I still can't believe I am even old enough to have a second grader. Doesn't really seem possible!! ;) Time flies when your not looking!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Lots Goin On

Well, I have my surgery Thursday to have my gall bladder removed. The kids start school on Wednesday. So I am going to be out of it most of the weekend.

And everyone around me has good news!! I feel kinda like a downer cause I don't have happy news!! A friend of mine is getting married (and I get to do it!! yay!!) and another is having another baby! I am excited for her! It was unexpected and I am sure she has ALOT of "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING" coming at her but I can't imagine any other couple that could handle having a baby no 4! like the two of them! Very exciting stuff!!

Well, I am off to bed, gotta be at the hospital at 7:30 for pre registration!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Just so there is no confusion. I love LMN. Love It. LOVE IT.
It is wonderful.

I cannot get enough.

It is a good thing that I do not have it at my house, because I would never leave. I would constantly be watching.

Me + Lifetime Movie Network = L.O.V.E.

:) Happy Sunday!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Whats crackalackin?

well, I know I've been gone...I just haven't had much to write about. The kids are gearing up for school and are so excited. We started practice back for fall softball - SO EXCITED!! The girls are doing awesome and we have a new girl which I am stoked about.

On the bad news side...Derek was laid off. I am so not happy about it but I have faith that we will be okay. Derek is having a hard time adjusting, but he will get there. :)

Well, until next time!!